Sunday, April 26, 2009

Highlights Editors

To all aspiring writers.

I don't know if you would be interested in writing for children, but if you are I suggest that you try Highlights for Children magazine.

I have had a very favorable time with them, and I think they would be an ideal place for any aspiring children's writers to start. Here's my situation -

I wrote a world culture piece that was written from personal experience. The first article was rejected. The rejection letter said that it was rejected for lack of bibliography. It would have made sense, but I didn't understand the reasoning behind a rejection on a personal experience piece. So- I emailed them. Right at the top of the rejection letter was an email address for the editors.

Within twenty-four hours someone emailed me back. I traded an email with them, and the editor that answered the email even went to ask the senior editor that I had submitted to! Within two emails the situation was worked out...they told me what I had to add to my piece and they even let me re-submit. Normally if a piece is rejected - that's it. It's over. There can be no more submissions to them with the previously submitted piece - unless you receive permission from them (the editors) to re-sbumit. (This goes for most submissions venues, not just Highlights)

I fixed the article and re-submitted with the same editor and followed the rules their email laid out. That was four weeks ago, and I still haven't heard back from them about their final decision. I'll let you know when I do, but I wanted it known that the editors at Highlights are a blessing to deal with and aspiring writers take note - they are a mainstream publication and would look terrific on any writers resume!

Happy writing!

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