Sunday, April 19, 2009

One of the best...

books on writing is Stephen King's 'On Writing'. This part memoir part writing course is wonderfully written in a way which makes you feel like you're curled up on King's sofa with a cup of hot tea and he's telling you all about how to write.

The first part, is how he got started. Then he goes into grammar and writing...all the while sprinkling the text with a vividness that leaves you breathless.

As a writer just starting out, a seasoned writer, or a writer that has dabbled but now wonders if they got, 'the stuff' to make it in the big world of published writers....this is one book you should add to your library.

Read it, put it away for a couple of days then re-read it. Keep it handy at your desk for inspiration. Read it backwards, frontwards, even sideways---if you can do that, and if you can, could you tell me how you did that? I just got carried away with myself, I don't honestly know a single person that can read something sideways.

Those of you that are curling up your nose with the distaste at the thought of reading something not totally fiction...stop it! Stop it right now! Yes, the book is nonfiction, but its duly worth any discomfort you may have at the thought of forcing yourself to read non-fiction. This isn't a history book or a technical manual for that new thingymabob you just bought cause you though it was cool-but now that its home you have absolutely no idea what it is, what it can be used for, and how do you operate the dumb thing in the first place. This is a terrific manual, inspiration, and snapshot of a NYT Bestseller....people, he's sharing his secrets of success....take the hint. Okay? Ok, glad we got that clear.

'On Writing,' should be in every writer's bookshelves, no matter what their writing 'level' is. I would also suggest actually reading it...not just letting it sit there and collect dust.

Alright, I'm done preaching at least for the time being....

You shouldn't be sitting there reading this blog to start should be deep in the folds of you word processor, with your creative thinking caps on.

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